THE Sunscreen Stick - 0.5oz


Stick Form of our Awesome Sunscreen!


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This sunscreen is effective yet toxic-free at 20% zinc oxide! Free of chemical fragrances, Free of parabens, Free of nanoparticles!

Toss your sunscreen if it contains any of these terrible chemicals: Para amino benzoic acid... Octyl salicyclate... Avobenzone... Oxybenzone... Cinoxate... Padimate O... Dioxybenzone... Phenylbenzimidazole... Homosalate... Sulisobenzone... Menthyl anthranilate... Trolamine salicyclate... Octocrylene...

This sunscreen is effective yet toxic-free at 20% zinc oxide! Free of chemical fragrances, Free of parabens, Free of nanoparticles!

Toss your sunscreen if it contains any of these chemicals: Para amino benzoic acid... Octyl salicyclate... Avobenzone... Oxybenzone... Cinoxate... Padimate O... Dioxybenzone... Phenylbenzimidazole... Homosalate... Sulisobenzone... Menthyl anthranilate... Trolamine salicyclate... Octocrylene... PROPYLENE GLYCOL

Our ingredients are safe for you, your babies, and your Earth! Each active ingredient in this outstanding product has been carefully chosen to specifically protect and nourish your skin.

Coconut oil: Coconut oil has been used for hundreds of years to moisturize the skin. If you have skin sensitivities, it is likely to be mild and gentle on your skin.

Jojoba oil: Jojoba oil is a non-fragrant natural emollient that serves up superior moisturizing and skin conditioning properties.

Shea butter: Shea butter is a natural plant lipid used as both a thickener and an emulsifier. What's more, it also has effective moisturizing properties.

As with all safe sunscreen lotions, we recommend you re-apply frequently, especially after swimming, perspiring, or towel-drying.

A note about sunscreen:  Everyone is different and putting on sunscreen does not equal not getting burned. If it has a 30 SPF, that means that it is 30 times the amount of protection of an "average" person's natural protection. With that being said, you have every skin color in that "average". In addition, one's skin color does not always reflect its ability to deal with the sun. The inability to burn is actually quite complicated and even has to do with genetics, the food you eat and what you put on your skin prior to going into the sun. It also depends on the season, where you are in relation to the ocean, the mountains and proximity to the equator. It could be that your family needs to re-apply more often or needs to cover up a bit more. I would also leave it on thicker than rubbing it completely in if you are prone to burning! Lastly, refrain from wearing sunglasses.  Sunglasses block the body's ability to properly absorb vitamin D and initiate our innate "sun blocking" capabilities. Age: Typically any age suggestions apply because conventional sunscreens contain harmful chemicals that you do not want to subject a newborn to. In addition, a newborn’s skin is so very fragile that even with sunscreen, they can burn very easily.  Generally, cover ups are preferred to sunscreen, but safety-wise, our sunscreen is totally safe to use on a newborn


Organic Jojoba Oil, Organic Unrefined Shea Butter, Organic Beeswax, Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, Organic Camellia Oil, Organic Cocoa Butter, NON-NANO, NON MICRONIZED Zinc Oxide, Organic Rosemary Extract.

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